GWCC, PO Box 1703, Silver Spring, MD 20915-1703


Our ‘Virtual Ceili’ Concert Series

When we stopped our ceilis for COVID, we started hosting a ‘Virtual Ceili’ Concert Series as a way to stay in touch. We planned a series of live-streamed concerts to take place during what would be the last hour of our monthly ceili – on the fourth Sunday of the month. 

Past performances can still be found on our YouTube channel

Alice Bradley and Zan McLeod play for our ‘Virtual Ceili’ Concert on August 22

Since it’s beginning, GWCC has sponsored or co-sponsored both established and up-and-coming Irish traditional musicians whenever the situation presents itself. This includes performances by Shaskeen and Moving Cloud, along with the 15 years that we presented the Washington Irish Folk Festival. Lately we’ve added appearances from the talented young musicians that comprise The Bog Band and our Frankie Kennedy Scholarship awardees.

Our most recent concert was in March, 2020

Bog Band
GWCC scholarship musicians

copyright - 2022 Greater Washington Ceili Club