
We perform at area senior centers throughout the year as a community service. We find it is as rewarding for us as it is entertaining for them. If you are interested in scheduling a performance/event please contact us for more details.
(Please note: the majority of our performers are working adults, so we are generally not available to participate in daytime, Mon-Fri events.)
Our dancers also perform regularly at the Southern Maryland Celtic Festival, the Potomac Celtic Festival, and various local festivals. As much as we enjoy the dancing ourselves, we also enjoy the opportunity to share the thrill with the crowds and we include a lot of audience participation in our performances. We are dedicated to promoting the appreciation of traditional Irish music and dancing
– We are happy contribute financially to the sponsorship of students of Irish music and dance to study/perform in Ireland through our Frankie Kennedy Memorial Scholarship Program and Irish Cultural Experience Travel Grants.
GWCC has also made donations in support of the CCE MAD Week program and the Bog Band.